The next Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) annual conference will be held April 14-16, 2022, in Denver, CO. We are pleased to share these two calls for papers for the panels sponsored by CAALS: Panel #1: Asian American Literature and the “American West†Chair: Julia Lee, University of California-Irvine This year’s AAAS conference will …
Author: admin
Save the Date: CAALS 2021 Virtual Conference, July 9-10, 2021
We invite the CAALS community to join us July 9-10, 2021 for a free virtual conference on Asian American literature and literary studies. This synchronous conference, to be held via Zoom, will feature: four scholarly panels addressing current themes in Asian American literature and literary studies; three “Book Conversation” panels celebrating new books, each featuring …
CAALS@AAAS 2021: Unsettled Fictions I & II, April 8–9, 2021
The Circle for Asian American Literary Studies is pleased to present a double panel at the upcoming Association for Asian American Studies conference. “Unsettled Fictions I & II: Reassessing the Solidarities of Asian American Literature” will be held on April 8–9, 2021 via Zoom. Details are below. Unsettled Fictions I: Reassessing the Solidarities of Asian …
Statement by CAALS Co-Chairs Regarding Atlanta Shootings
March 17, 2021 The Circle for Asian American Literary Studies (CAALS) is deeply concerned with the social context of literature and literary studies. As Co-Chairs of CAALS and as feminist scholars, we strive to lead according to principles of social justice and equity learned from generations of women-of-color scholars, writers, and artists. Therefore, we write …
Massachusetts Review x CAALS Now Online
Since 2017, CAALS has collaborated with the Smithsonian Asian American Literature Festival and the Massachusetts Review to present a series of “Literary Addresses,” public-facing talks on the state of the field by prominent writers and scholars. At the 2017 and 2019 Lit Fests, we had the privilege of convening many of the wonderful Literary Address writers with invited …
CFPs for CAALS@ALA2020 (May 21–24, 2020; San Diego, CA)
Update: The ALA 2020 conference was canceled due to COVID. The next American Literature Association (ALA) annual conference will be held May 21–24, 2020, in San Diego, CA. Below are calls for papers for the five panels sponsored by CAALS, which also holds its annual business meeting at ALA, along with mentoring events and social …
CFP: CAALS@AAAS 2020, April 9-11, 2020, Washington, DC
Graphic Text: Call for Papers: CAALS@AAAS 2020Circle for Asian American Literary StudiesApril 9–11, 2020, Washington, D.C. Troubling Fictions: Reassessing the Politics of Asian American Literature a 2-part panel sponsored by CAALS As the infamous Kingston-Chin debates between cultural nationalism and feminism as well as the AAAS book award controversy around Blu’s Hanging make starkly evident, …