Connect With Us
If you’re a scholar or teacher of Asian American literature, please join our professional network. Email us at caalsinfo@gmail.com to be added to the CAALS Google group (our email list). Event notices, calls for papers/submissions, other opportunities, and occasional discussion questions are circulated there.
You can also follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook group to engage with a diverse community about Asian American literature, culture, and arts. The group includes many writers, students, teachers, and fans of Asian American literature and is a great place to learn about new writers and artists.
Become A Member
If you’d like to engage with us more actively, become a member! Membership in the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies (CAALS) is open to scholars, writers, teachers, and students of Asian American literature. We strive to provide a friendly professional community, scholarly opportunities, and mentorship. We especially welcome graduate students, untenured scholars, scholars working at teaching-intensive institutions or in alt-ac roles, women-of-color scholars, and others from marginalized backgrounds. We look forward to getting to know you and your work.
Participants in any CAALS-sponsored panel must be a current member. The membership year runs from May 1 to April 30. Please use the button below to join via PayPal, or send money via the PayPal website to caalsfinances@gmail.com.
If you are joining CAALS for the first time, please follow up by emailing us at caalsinfo@gmail.com to introduce yourself! This will ensure that we add you to our email list and learn more about your interests so we can better support you as a member.
Annual Membership Dues:*
$20: full-time faculty and administrators
$5: students, adjunct faculty, independent scholars, and community members
*Annual membership dues recently increased to $20 for full-time faculty and administrators. Dues for all others remain the same at $5.