The Circle for Asian American Literary Studies is pleased to present a double panel at the upcoming Association for Asian American Studies conference. “Unsettled Fictions I & II: Reassessing the Solidarities of Asian American Literature” will be held on April 8–9, 2021 via Zoom. Details are below.

Unsettled Fictions I: Reassessing the Solidarities of Asian American Literature (#3989)
Thursday, April 8, 2021
11:45am-1:15pm PDT
Sponsored by the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies (
Christiana Ares-Christian, University of Southern New Hampshire
Troubling ‘The Singing Mouth’: Musicality and Narrativity in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Fifth Book of Peace
Stewart Chang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Bridging Divides in Divisive Times: Unpacking the Fictions of the Massie/Fortescue Affair
Swati Rana, University of California, Santa Barbara
Troubling Character in Asian American Literature
Karen Siu, Rice University
The Asian American Environmental Experience in Lahiri’s ​The Lowland​ and Ozeki’s ​A Tale for the Time Being
Chair: Caroline Kyungah Hong, Queens College, City University New York
Unsettled Fictions II: Reassessing the Solidarities of Asian American Literature (#4014)
Friday, April 9, 2021
1:30pm – 3:00pm PDT
Sponsored by the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies (
Nancy Carranza, University of California, Riverside
Unsettling Gifts: Mixed-Race Adoptees and the Search for Home(land)
Audrey Wu Clark, United States Naval Academy
Lynched!: The Yellow Peril and the Era of U.S. Racial Exclusions
Susan Thananopavarn, Duke University
A New ‘Sugar Sisterhood’: The Politics of Lisa See’s Fiction
Nicolyn Woodcock, Clark University
The Troubling Intimacies of Empire: DC’s ‘Little Saigon’ in Lan Cao’s ​Monkey Bridge
Chair: Douglas Ishii, University of Washington, Seattle