14th Annual ALA Conference 2003 at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 22-25, 2003
Asian American Poetry (Molly Pitcher)
Chair: Hsuan L. Hsu, University of California, Berkeley and the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies
1. “The Language of Ethnicity: John Yau’s Poetry and the Ethnic/Aesthetic Divide”
Christina Mar, University of California, Riverside
2. “Jos Garcia Villa and the Philippine Diaspora in the U.S.”
Daryn Glassbrook, Purdue University
3. “Asian American/Canadian Poetry: The Problematics of Global/Local Mediation”
Benzi Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Re-Mapping Asian American Studies (Molly Pitcher)
Chair: Hsuan L. Hsu, University of California, Berkeley and the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies
1. Children, Deconstruct Komerica: Linda Sue Park’s Transcultural Invention of American Literature”
Kyoo Lee, Memphis University
2. “Plastic Ethnicity or Grassroot Modernity: The Production of Locality in Through the Arc of the Rain Forest”
Shu-ching Chen, National Chung Hsing University
3. “Learning from Plessy v. Ferguson: Asian American Studies Beyond the Nation”
Hoang Phan, University of California, Berkeley
4. “Jessica Hagedorn’s Black: Her Story as a Model for the Remapping of Asian-American Literature or Postcolonial ‘Wallowing in the (Colonial) Mud of Mistaken Identities'”
MarÃa DeGuzmán, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill