12th Annual ALA Conference 2001 at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 24-27, 2001
Asian American Drama (Paul Revere A)
Chair: Viet Nguyen, University of Southern California and the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies
1. “Yankee Doodle Meets the White Tigress: Asian Images in Theater and the Making of Whitemenss”
Michelle Liu, Willamette University
2. “Miss Saigon, Postcolonial Civilization and Misidentification”
Celine P. Shimizu, Stanford University
3. “Hawaii is in the Heart: or, Japanese Americans’ Displacement in Edward Sakamoto’s Hawaiian Plays”
Nikolas Huot, Georgia State University
African American and Asian American Intersections I: Race and National Identity (Molly Pitcher)
Chair: Viet Nguyen, University of Southern California and the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies
1. “Literary Manhood and the Myth of the ‘Yellow Faggot’: African American and Asian American Cultural Nationalism and the Modernist Politics of Identity”
Daniel Kim, Brown University
2. “Where the Talented Tenth Meets the Model Minority: The Price of Privilege in John Edgar Wideman’s Philadelphia Fire and Chang-Rae Lee’s Native Speaker”
James Kyung-Jin Lee, University of California, San Diego
3. “Entering the US Nation: Economic Hypocrisy and the Obstruction of the Minority Family in All the King’s Men and Native Speaker”
Linh U. Hua, University of California, Irvine
African American and Asian American Intersections II: Otherness and Assimilation (Molly Pitcher)
Chair: Viet Nguyen, University of Southern California and the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies
1. “Competing Discourses of Community: African American and Asian American Women’s Narratives of Intra-Racial Sexual Abuse”
Kristianne Lee-Yahng, University of Southern California
2. “Assimilating Texts: Negotiating Mainstream Appeal in M. Butterfly and Iola Leroy”
Jane Degenhardt, University of Pennsylvania
3. “The Representation of Sexuality in Pauline Hopkins’s Contending Forces and Joy Kogawa’s Itsuka”
Julia Lee, University of California, Los Angeles