Announcements CFP Conferences

CAALS CFP for ALA 2022, May 26-29, 2022 in Chicago, IL

The next American Literature Association (ALA) annual conference will be held May 26-29, 2022, in Chicago, IL.
We are pleased to share these two calls for papers for the panels sponsored by CAALS:

Panel 1: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictée at 40
Chair: Rei Magosaki, Chapman University

This panel invites a reflection on Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s seminal work, Dictée, to mark the 40th anniversary of its publication. Introducing the first collection of critical essays on this work, Writing Self, Writing Nation (1994), Elaine Kim commented on the urgency of interpretive readings for this richly layered text sensitive to the historical condition from which it arises.

By returning to the importance of this work to Asian American literature in the twenty-first century, especially having experienced Atlanta shootings on March 21, 2021, this panel would serve as an occasion to consider the significant interventions that Cha’s work made, and continues to make, in Asian American literary criticism and cultural politics.

In this spirit, proposals are not limited to addressing Dictée directly, but can consider its legacy in experimental works in Asian American literature, future directions in Korean American literary studies, violence against women in Asian American literature, and/or the politics of language such as translation and multilingualism of literary works.

Please email your proposal (max. 250 words) and a brief CV (max. 500 words) to Karen Siu at by Friday, January 21st, 2022. Please be sure to mention any technological needs for your presentation.


Panel 2: OPEN CALL for Asian American Literary Studies
Chair: Timothy K. August, Stony Brook University

We welcome proposals on any aspect of Asian American literature and culture. Our aim is to provide a forum for new and innovative work in Asian American literary studies.

Please email your proposal (max. 250 words) and a brief CV (max. 500 words) to Timothy K. August at by Friday, January 21st, 2022. Please be sure to mention any technological needs for your presentation.